Character Art Exchange

Characters belonging to kuroiyousei


Akomera is a kingdom in a fantasy world of my own creation, which I use for both original fiction and AU fanfiction

female human
female human
male human
female human
Local ProfileShinorutei
female human
Crimson Coronation

Fantasy in the usual generic setting; I'm quite fond of this story and its characters

Local ProfileAria Gaeálo
female human
Local ProfileCetoux Eastarbor
male human
male human
Local ProfileEidra Westarbor
female human
male human
Local ProfileIén Gaeálo
female human
female human
Local ProfileRendeiel Kortté
male human
male human
male human

Local ProfileEn Shevil
female Mary-Sue... er, human/anthro (mostly human)
male human
Local ProfileTajiru Kotono
female human
Local ProfileWolfgang
male human

The Downside of Paradise was an online original role-play some friends and I did for a few years; Just Like Home is a series of stories I've been writing in the same setting (generally, the sewer system beneath the idyllic Paradise)

Local ProfileAves Rodriguez
male human
Local ProfileMarean Jeuroh
female human
Local ProfileMoreay Jeuroh
male human
Local ProfileRetanya Gibbs
female human
The Worst Possible Way of Doing Things

Another fantasy story, this one half-completed, in the usual generic pseduo-medieval-European setting

Local ProfileGent Corrick
male human
Local ProfileKenreciel
male human
Local ProfileSibba Maecallun
female human
Local ProfileTulette loQin
female humanoid/anthro
Touched and Untouchable

Fantasy in the usual unoriginal type of setting; this story hasn't got much to it yet

Local ProfileAlach haes Olfiel ni Marich
male human
Local ProfileChorihe kohos Olfiel ni Marich II
male human
Local ProfileDoireh Ariza ni Kiroha
male human
Local ProfileKessell Envele ni Kiroha
female human
World of Warcraft Characters

female troll
Local ProfileBrynariath
female night elf
female orc
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