Kikichi - by kuroiyousei
You know, I used a nine-year-old girl as the model for this, and she still turned out looking a lot older. And the way my CTS has been acting, I wasn't in a good position to fix anything. Mou. Still, I hope you like the picture at least a little :D

Comment by Eliza left on 2012-09-01 06:05:11
She does look older, but I like it. Nice tones and texture! And I hope that CTS gives you less grief in the near future.
Comment by kuroiyousei left on 2012-09-01 18:57:06
Thanks. I wanted her to be looking forlorn in a dying forest, and I suppose that worked OK... though the color scheme didn't turn out exactly as I'd hoped. This entire month has been bad on my CTS through a combination of circumstances that aggravate it; hopefully that will calm down as some of those circumstances ease.
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