Dance - by Stareyes
I went for the obvious costume influence from 'Swan Lake', because it and the Nutcracker are the only ballets I know. I probably should have put less into her freckles, given the degree of stage makeup most performers wear.
And added eyeshadow.

Comment by mllebienvenu left on 2013-05-30 10:04:28
Oh wow, this looks great :D I love the costume :D and it's fun to see Hannah in color. :D Thanks :D
Comment by Stareyes left on 2013-05-30 21:08:44
You're welcome. And dance costumes are fun to draw. (I did a bit of dance as a kid, but nothing past grade school; the recital costumes were always amazing to look at, especially the older students who were performing solos or duets.)
Comment by Anke left on 2013-05-30 20:05:34
Nice work on shading and textures there. :)
Comment by Stareyes left on 2013-05-30 21:06:45
Thanks. I'm trying to improve my ability to shade, and to keep my digital images from looking so 'slick'. (The background I fudged a bit, since I wanted it out of focus, like a photograph, rather than the way the eye will refocus when looking at something.)
Plus costuming is full of so many texture things. I really need to just take some time and practice coloring various kinds of fabric (and other things).
Plus costuming is full of so many texture things. I really need to just take some time and practice coloring various kinds of fabric (and other things).
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