Taped top loaders are common. It’s what many of us do to keep cards from flopping out and getting wrecked in the mail.Get more news about 3x4 toploader manufacturer,you can vist our website!
But is putting tape on the end of a top loader the best and safest way to protect cards headed out in the mail?
1. It leaves a sticky, gunky mess or rough edges.
When I get a card in a taped top loader, I have two choices: break the seal or keep it like I received it — with the tape covering up my view of part of the card and breaking with the rest of my top loaders.
Peeling tape off a top loader often leaves a sticky residue that’s both ugly and makes other top loaders stick to it. Butter, nail polish remover or other things could be used to remove the residue, but that takes time. Not cleaned properly, these things might also leave behind something that could damage any cards inside. They might be safe, but is a top loader worth the risk?
2. It’s wasteful.
I don’t keep my cards in taped top loaders, freed or sealed. That means whenever I get one, I need to transfer it to another, tape-free holder and the old one is tossed.
I’d like to trade more, but life often gets in the way. So in the rare instances that I’m mailing cards, I use new top loaders. More than anything, this is about space and convenience. I don’t want to save boxes of taped top loaders. I need to store them in a separate place.
Plus, if I prefer not to get taped top loaders, why should I expect others to? “That’s just the way it is” are lyrics from a Bruce Horsnby song I’ve probably heard a few hundred times, not the way things have to be.
3. It can damage the cards.
I’ve hard a couple of cards damaged while trying to free them from taped top loaders. Regular Scotch tape can be pulled apart pretty easy, but the more plastic kind usually requires a knife or pair of scissors to separate. As careful as I try to be, I’ve had the scissors slip once the cut has been made, leaving a small indent in the top of the card. One could blame my unsteady hands but safe, tape-free shipping would have negated the need for a knife in the first place.
4. It could make you “uncool.”
Okay, the idea being “uncool” is silly and childish. But if you use scotch tape on your top loaders, it could damage your reputation.
That’s important if you’re looking for repeat business. Tape is a common practice and for the majority, it’s not a big deal. But some do have very strong feelings about it, especially if they’ve had a card damaged because of it.
Even if scotch tape across the top of a top loader is accepted by many, that doesn’t mean we can’t still strive to do things better. It’s one small step in offering the best possible service, whether that’s in sales or trades.
Taped top loaders are common. It’s what many of us do to keep cards from flopping out and getting wrecked in the mail.Get more news about 3x4 toploader manufacturer,you can vist our website!
But is putting tape on the end of a top loader the best and safest way to protect cards headed out in the mail?
1. It leaves a sticky, gunky mess or rough edges.
When I get a card in a taped top loader, I have two choices: break the seal or keep it like I received it — with the tape covering up my view of part of the card and breaking with the rest of my top loaders.
Peeling tape off a top loader often leaves a sticky residue that’s both ugly and makes other top loaders stick to it. Butter, nail polish remover or other things could be used to remove the residue, but that takes time. Not cleaned properly, these things might also leave behind something that could damage any cards inside. They might be safe, but is a top loader worth the risk?
2. It’s wasteful.
I don’t keep my cards in taped top loaders, freed or sealed. That means whenever I get one, I need to transfer it to another, tape-free holder and the old one is tossed.
I’d like to trade more, but life often gets in the way. So in the rare instances that I’m mailing cards, I use new top loaders. More than anything, this is about space and convenience. I don’t want to save boxes of taped top loaders. I need to store them in a separate place.
Plus, if I prefer not to get taped top loaders, why should I expect others to? “That’s just the way it is” are lyrics from a Bruce Horsnby song I’ve probably heard a few hundred times, not the way things have to be.
3. It can damage the cards.
I’ve hard a couple of cards damaged while trying to free them from taped top loaders. Regular Scotch tape can be pulled apart pretty easy, but the more plastic kind usually requires a knife or pair of scissors to separate. As careful as I try to be, I’ve had the scissors slip once the cut has been made, leaving a small indent in the top of the card. One could blame my unsteady hands but safe, tape-free shipping would have negated the need for a knife in the first place.
4. It could make you “uncool.”
Okay, the idea being “uncool” is silly and childish. But if you use scotch tape on your top loaders, it could damage your reputation.
That’s important if you’re looking for repeat business. Tape is a common practice and for the majority, it’s not a big deal. But some do have very strong feelings about it, especially if they’ve had a card damaged because of it.
Even if scotch tape across the top of a top loader is accepted by many, that doesn’t mean we can’t still strive to do things better. It’s one small step in offering the best possible service, whether that’s in sales or trades.