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Top 10 Healthy Things to Eat For Weight Loss

If you are Fast Burn Extreme considering bariatric surgery, talk to your primary care physician or a specialist to determine if you are a candidate. When evaluating you for the procedure, your doctor will consider the following factors:Body mass index (BMI) - Your BMI will need to be above 40 for you to qualify for weight loss surgery; individuals with a BMI of 35-39 may be candidates if they have a comorbidity.

Weight-related health problems - Severe health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obstructive sleep apnea, and vascular disorders that are accompanied or caused by obesity may merit the surgery.Past attempts at weight loss You will need to have tried a range of conservative approaches to weight loss, including diet, exercise, and prescription medication, in order to be considered for bariatric surgery.

If you do meet the physical qualifications for weight loss surgery, your doctor will also evaluate your psychological outlook regarding the surgery, your expectations for recovery, and how you envision your life after the procedure. Be sure to talk openly and honestly with your doctor about the benefits of the surgery as well as the risks.Hernia is a condition where there is protrusion of any organ from the cavity that generally contains it. It is a condition where the cavity walls that keep the organ in its place are ruptured.

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