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The Benefits of Installing Solar Power Equipment

Door Sweeps and Draft Snakes Magnifier Engine Review The gap between the bottom of your door and the floor is a notorious source for drafts. In order to close this gap you can purchase a door sweep, which is a thin, weatherproof seal made out of rubber, wood, plastic or aluminum.

Draft snakes, which are movable fabric tubes, can also be placed against doors and windowsills in order to prevent drafts from creeping in. A great cheap living trick is to make your own draft snakes by filling old socks or sweatshirt sleeves with dry rice or sawdust.

Outlet Insulation An often overlooked source of drafts is your wall outlets, which can sometimes have gaps that allow chilly air to blow in from outside. Custom electrical outlet sealers can be found at most hardware stores and are fairly easy to install. It's important to remember, though, that you should always turn off your electricity from your circuit breaker before making any changes to your outlets.

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